Learn Something New
This world champion heavyweight boxer was a Saddlebred enthusiast, rider, and horse show organizer.
He paved the way for Latino jockeys and kicked off generations of Latino excellence in racing.
When Black Americans were excluded from horse shows due to Jim Crow law and custom they organized their own.
“I was raised around horses all my life and I always wanted to be a lady jockey. I love to ride, for it is a challenge to the male jockeys and also a challenge to myself." Read this incredible story about Cheryl White, who became the first Black female jockey in the U.S. in 1971.
The International Museum of the Horse announced the launch of the Chronicle of African Americans in the Horse Industry, a new website designed to increase awareness, education, and access to African American history!
The MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Great Meadow International (MARSGMI) offered a VIP experience to local young riders from White Oak Stables.
Professional event rider Mike Winter recently posted a picture of his stirrups, emblazoned with #BLACKLIVESMATTER. SEE Co-founder Heather Gillette interviewed Mike to learn about his journey to allyship and why he is committed opposing racism in life and equestrian sport.
Learn about micro-aggressions and what they mean to help you avoid language and assumptions that can make BIPOC people feel excluded.