Be an Ally

Take the Pledge

To SEE the change, I promise to:

  • Promote a more inclusive culture within equestrian sports by listening to and addressing the concerns of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) within the equestrian community and educating my peers on how to be an effective ally

  • Use love and understanding to guide my actions as I seek to promote diversity and understand the stories of BIPOC members

  • Welcome all members of the equestrian community who share in the desire to improve diversity in the sport and create a more inclusive culture

  • Approach all conversations with an open mind, conduct myself in a professional and polite manner, and remain a positive influence for change

  • Be a vocal advocate for change within equestrian sports

Become a Member


Donation-based membership supports the SEE mission and allows you to join our community of BIPOC equestrians and allies. Here's what Strides for Equality Equestrians want to accomplish using our raised funds from members and supporters:

  • Access Grants to programs increasing access to equestrianism for BIPOC young people.

  • Development of Professional Pathways, including apprenticeships, mentorships, and other advancement opportunities for aspiring BIPOC professionals.

  • Community engagement and education to create a larger and more visible community of informed allies.

  • And much more!

For BIPOC Equestrians…

For Allies…

Do the work!

  • Keep the pledge by being an educated and visible ally to BIPOC equestrians

  • Visit our Guides for Allies to find resources about allyship and keep learning

  • Educate those around you

  • Sign up to Volunteer with SEE or a program in your area that serves BIPOC young people

  • Contact us to suggest resources or talk about how we can partner with your barn or business