News + Education
On this page, you’ll find updates from SEE as well as Educational Resources for promoting inclusivity and allyship within the equestrian community.

Leg Up Scholarship: Maryland International Equestrian Foundation Awards 4 Scholarships
Strides for Equality Equestrians is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Maryland Grass Roots Leg Up Scholarships: eventers Hannah Jaeger, Josephine Long, Gabrielle McDaniel, and Raegan Nalls. Each awardee has received a $500 scholarship to compete this season in Maryland Horse Trials events at Loch Moy Farm in Adamstown, Maryland.

Leg Up Scholarship: Maryland International Equestrian Foundation
Grassroots young riders, we are currently accepting applications for Leg Up Scholarships offered by the Maryland International Equestrian Foundation! Scholarship recipients will have a credit of $500 towards event entries at Loch Moy over the next year. Applications are due April 24, 2023.

Key Moore Awarded Leg Up Scholarship to Train with Darrin Mollett
Strides for Equality Equestrians is excited to announce that Key Moore has been awarded a Leg Up Scholarship to train with Darrin Mollett of Beverly Equestrian. This is SEE’s first scholarship opportunity geared toward Hunter/ Jumper riders.

Leg Up Scholarship: Long Weekend with Darrin Mollett
SEE isn’t just for eventers anymore! Announcing our first Leg Up Scholarship geared toward Hunter/ Jumper riders! Now accepting applications for 3-4 days of training with Darrin Mollett and Beverly Equestrian in March of 2023. The deadline for applications is February 12, 2023.

Micah Green Awarded Winter 2023 Ever So Sweet Scholarship
SEE’s Winter 2023 Ever So Sweet Scholarship has been awarded to Micah Green, 23, of Jacksonville, FL. As the fourth recipient of the Ever So Sweet scholarship, Micah will receive fully-paid training and mentorship from Sara Kozumplik at her winter base in Ocala, FL.

Leg Up Scholarship: Accepting Applications for 3-Day Camp with Ashley Johnson
Strides for Equality Equestrians is currently accepting applications for a special three day training camp with top level eventer Ashley Johnson this December. One applicant will be selected to join Ashley at her own Totem Hill Farm in Ocala, FL. The deadline for applications is October 15, 2022.

Notes from Nora: Updates from Our Summer 2022 ESS Recipient
Catching up with SUMMER 2022 Ever So Sweet Scholarship recipient Nora Huynh-Watkins as she settles in at Overlook Farm, rides at the Kentucky Horse Park, achieves some goals, and sets new ones.

Catching Up with Summer ESS Recipient Nora Huynh-Watkins
Catching up with SUMMER 2022 Ever So Sweet Scholarship recipient Nora Huynh-Watkins as she journeys from Oregon to Virginia.

Summer 2022 Ever So Sweet scholarship awarded to Nora Huynh-Watkins
We are delighted to announce that Nora Huynh-Watkins is the Summer 2022 recipient of the Ever So Sweet scholarship!

Professional Pathways: Girl Scouts Equine Experience Specialist
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont delivers the Girl Scout experience in central and western North Carolina and is seeking an Equine Experience Specialist to create and lead engaging and inclusive mounted and un-mounted equestrian programs for their diverse constituency of Girl Scouts and community riders.

Emerging Equestrian Professional Course (EEPC) Scholarship
Applications are due by March 18, 2022, for the EEPC Scholarship, covering full tuition to attend the Emerging Equestrian Professional Course (March 28- May 6, 2022; virtual) offered by The Rising Equestrian Pro.

Equerry / Co Supports Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Through Partnerships & Discounted Services
Equestrian marketing and website design firm Equerry / Co has announced a special partnership with the USEF as well as broader-reaching initiatives aimed at expanding the sport and closing the accessibility gap.

Professional Pathways: Falynne Karlowsky Scholarship
This Scholarship will cover the cost for the online/ distance portion of the Certified Practitioner in Equine Bodywork and Massage and the six day live intensive.

Strides for Equality Equestrians at the USEA Annual Meeting & Convention
SEE was in the spotlight at the United States Eventing Association (USEA) Annual Meeting & Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico in December.

Detroit Horse Power is Hiring
Our friends at Detroit Horse Power are looking for an experienced development professional to bring their skills to an emerging organization to help it grow and maximize its potential for Detroit’s future. Please help spread the word! The deadline to apply is October 29, 2021.

Centered Riding® Inc. accepting applications for Instructor Diversity Scholarship
Centered Riding® Inc. is now accepting applications for their 2022 Instructor Diversity Scholarship to cover clinic or instructor certification fees. Applications are due by December 1, 2021.

Professional Pathways: Catching Up with ESS Recipient Helen Casteel
As Strides for Equality Equestrians prepares to award its second round of the Ever So Sweet scholarship, generously supported by Edy Rameika and the USEA Foundation, we sat down and caught up with our first scholarship winner, Helen Casteel of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Access Matters: White Oak Riders Get VIP Experience at MarsGMI
The MARS EQUESTRIAN™ Great Meadow International (MARSGMI) offered a VIP experience to local young riders from White Oak Stables.

SEE at The 2021 American Eventing Championships
SEE is proud to announce that our ongoing partnership with the United States Eventing Association (USEA) will be taking us to the 2021 USEA American Eventing Championships Presented by Nutrena Feeds (AEC) to help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sport of eventing!

SEE On the Horse Show Podcast
SEE leadership team member Catherine Reddick had the privilege of sitting down with veteran equestrian commentator Chris Stafford from Women in Sports Podcast (WISP) for an episode of the long-running podcast The Horse Show about SEE.